

By Love Reclaimed: Jean Harlow Returns to Clear Her Husband's Name
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Is BY LOVE RECLAIMED An Inspirational Story?...

Is BY LOVE RECLAIMED, An Inspirational Story That May Significantly and Positively Touch Many?…You decide…


       What a great feeling is being in love for the first time, or being in love as if you've always known each other, since the beginning of time!…


       And this applies to each man, or woman, regardless of age… That is because love is ageless, and never dies…


       According to an ancient mystical lore each person has Seventy soul-mates over many incarnations… “Seventy” is just a metaphor that means: “Many”…


       Yes, we seem to return, reincarnate, a tenet held by most humanity…and having many lifetimes, it stands to reason that we have also many loves…


       We seem to forget that truth, as well as our eternal and limitless Divine Love and Power…


       We may forget that we’re made in God’s image and likeness, and thus, we cannot be less… that we are bound ALL TOGETHER through our Godly aspect, in Oneness, Love, Compassion and Peace…


       And here comes this story embodying different and same lifetimes, loves and relationships… for the two main characters in the book, titled: BY LOVE RECLAIMED…


       It is not merely the love story of Jean Harlow, the famous Hollywood actress and her film director husband, Paul Bern… It is universal…


       Is it personal? Could the reader identify with it? May it help solve her/his own most pressing life issues?


       Let the reader decide…


       It is mystery, that’s why going through it, reviewers grew more interested to come to understand not only Harlow and Bern and how they solved, or did not solve their problems over lifetimes, but how many of us could solve his/her own, resulting in a happy ending… in THIS lifetime…


       No assumption, nor conclusion drawn…


       It is up to the reader…