

By Love Reclaimed: Jean Harlow Returns to Clear Her Husband's Name
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I’ve been thinking to write since early this morning, but my long range choice took over my immediate one, namely, attending to my patients…

But now I could share with you some of my meditations on choice...

Beginning with the inception…The forbidden fruit of knowledge was the first choice…What did it mean? It meant that man and woman chose to use their own limited IQ and relinquish the infinite one of the Higher Power…

And what was the result? History can tell it…

The Perfect Void got filled with imperfection—The Purity of the soul was contaminated with impurities…blocks, barriers, obstacles, restrictions, limitations, mostly through false beliefs based on fear…

Fear can take many forms. There is fear of death…like being so small and insignificant, and not being able to survive if losing one’s mother.

Yet, there is fear of one’s own anger and becoming two-faced to compensate it—being fake.

There is fear that someone else could be more powerful, intelligent, beautiful, talented—envy.

Fear that love is in limited supply, and one is more lovable than the other, thus—jealousy.

And fear of hurt. Somebody physically bigger may hurt one.

And fear of one’s conscious, is quite crippling—guilt.

We were separated from The Higher Power Within and Everywhere—God.

Lately, more and more people, after hitting rock bottom through myriads of reincarnations, choose to realign with that Infinite Intelligence Within and Everywhere--God. It reached the critical mass and now is spreading very rapidly…

Choice…Normally, there are bacteria, viruses, cancerous cells, in everyone’s system, and also the normal built in choice, is for the body defense-mechanism--immune system, to get rid of them before they get too far…before it is too late…

But when the commander of the body’s defense army, the individual, is separated from the rocky stability of God, it is going to falter--make the wrong choice, and in this manner, give the wrong commands to the soldiers—the body’s white cells…The result? The immune system is compromised, goes down, and down one goes…

Choosing one’s occupation…If due to the above mentioned blocks, one doesn’t choose what one loves the most--Dharma, there will be dire consequences…lack of self-fulfillment…

Choosing one’s earthly soul-mate…The only REAL SOUL-MATE is GOD. Earthly soul-mates help one only to rehearse for the REAL ONE…and that REAL ONE is in every earthly soul-mate…Remember? God in me, relating to God in you, cannot make but for a perfect relationship…

One has the choice to practice what is positive in one’s personal astrological chart, after learning what is negative, and letting go of it…thus finding God Within and Everywhere…

Spouses, girlfriends and boyfriends, have the choice to practice in their composite astrological chart, only what is positive, after learning what is negative, and letting go of it…thus finding God Within and Everywhere…

Psychological testing should be chosen not to label one negatively, but to focus on assets…thus finding God Within and Everywhere…

Dear friends, our lives are full of choices…You can think of many more…

Right choices come with the Spiritual territory, by cleaving back to God Within and Everywhere…by practicing our ONENESS with It, and through It with each and everyone of us, and all the Universe…I shared with you a few methods to cleave to God, from the wisdom of the ages and the sages, in some of my recent blogs.


I wish you happiness.

